"No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck. " Fredrick Douglass.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Interesting prediction
Bob Beckel predicted Obama would win re election and that the tea party candidates for congress were gonna get their asses kick.
Kimberly Guilfoyle predicts that the Supreme Court will declare Obama Care unconstitutional
Andrea Tantaros oddly enough thinks Bob is probably right and that Obama will win, but by a razor thin margin. She also thinks most of the conservative/Tea Party candidates for congress will win. Basically a sweep.
Greg Gutfeld also suggests that Obama might win.
I can't remember what Eric Bolling had to say.
Damn I hope the predictions about Obama winning are wrong. 4 more years of that son of a bitch and we're going to end up another Russia...or Brazil
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Ahhh gun grabbing control nazi's
so as i understand alot of gun ethusiasts are against the limitin of guns and gun laws which is what many activists propose to lower gun violence. thus i would like to ask all gun owners ethusiasts collectors ect how would YOU stop gun violence
- Cushite Minmitar In my opinion things have to get worse, much worse, before it will get any better. I had a conversation with a friend the other day, during the convo we both had an "Aha!" moment. Why not give the crazies exactly what they want "All the guns they could ever want". Scrap every gun law on the books and then sit back and wait about six months. I guarantee that every, and I mean every American would be screaming for gun prohibition. This sounds harsh I know, but it comes to a point that I can't see much other option; no matter how many deaths, nothing changes. Both the BC and VPC and many other groups are losing supporters left and right. Not because these people are suddenly pro gun, but because it come to a point that we are like, "Why bother, nothing is going to change, so to heck with this". Take the original "Gunguys" website for example. They were bloggin and posting for ages, then one day, boom!, Nothing! They closed down. And I believe it was because they are thinking as many of us do now; "Whats the point, no one listens". Sorry for such a downer post...10 hours ago ·
- Coalition to Stop Gun Violence You're entitled to your pessimism, but we assure you things WILL change. We do not sense any lack of determination in the gun violence prevention movement. Just the opposite. Mayors Against Illegal Guns has added an invaluable element to the movement, bringing municipal officials and law enforcement leaders to the forefront on this issue, and gun violence survivors are organized like never before. Is it going to be a tough slog? Yep. Just like every other worthwhile cause in this country ever was. But we WILL win.10 hours ago · ·
- John Donnaruma The NRA says that, while trying to prevent law enforcement from doing their jobs enforcing gun control laws and fully funding the ATF.about an hour ago ·
and my reply:
For those who think taking the guns out of the hands of citizens is a good idea. I point you at 2 places. Europe, specifically England, where when the guns were taken from the citizens and guns were banned period...the really bad ones still had the guns and those that couldn't get them just switched weapons. If someone is intent on doing CRIME, You can NOT stop them through legislation. They WILL find a way. And now in England they are talking about banning *facepalm* KNIVES, idiots.
On the opposite end of the scale..I point you to a town named Kennesaw, Georgia. Where nigh on about 30yrs ago a law was passed that made it MANDATORY for all heads of household to own, maintain and know how to USE a gun. At the time it was a town of about 5000, now it's 6x that size. At the time...crime period, dropped to almost nothing over night. At the time the law was passed places and organizations similar to CSGV said that neighbor would end up shooting neighbor, kids would be shot for just "bein well....kids" they renamed the place GUNTOWN USA. Guess what boys and girls. In that time not only has the population grown to 6x the size it was when the ordinance was passed but crime is still LESS than half of what it was when the ordinance was passed. Oh and as far as I know[at least the last time I bothered to check a couple years ago] not a single murder. That is all...good day.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Twas the Night Before Christmas[UN-PC version]
and all through the house,
Everyone felt shitty.
Even the Mouse.
With Mom at the whorehouse
And Dad smoking grass
I'd just settled down
For a nice piece of ass.
When out on the lawn
I heard such a clatter.
I sprang from my piece
To see what was the matter.
Then up on the roof
Came the smell of deer shit
I knew in a heart beat
It must be Saint Nick.
He dropped down the chimney
like a bat out of hell.
I knew by the cussing
that the fucker had fell.
He stuffed all our stockings
With pretzels and beer
And a big rubber dick
For my brother the queer.
He shot up the chimney
With a thunderous fart.
The son of a bitch
Blew the chimney apart!
He swore and he cursed
as he rode out of site
"Piss on you all!
It's been a hell of a night!"
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Ahh politics
I've come to a conclusion. As much as it annoys the hell out of me to say it..whoever manages to get the GOP nod after the Republican convention will get my vote. GOD it makes me highly nauseous to speak those words. I'll have to choke back the bile though and do it..because as some have said, at this point ANYONE of them is a better option than 4 more years of Obama. Frankly I've got no use for any of them at this point.
Perry? Perry needs to get his ass back here to Texas and do the goddamn job we elected him for.
Bachmann-she's the only one at this point remotely palatable to me, even if she doesn't 'have experience".
Newt? Newt is a long time career politician whose held his seat for decades. He's a part of the fucking problem.
Ron Paul? Same problem as Newt. Plus his ideas on the military and foreign policy front will get us into another war. Isolationism is not gonna make things better boys and girls. It only invites the barbarians to come knocking at the front door of our house instead of the tent we're camping in elsewhere. That falls under the heading of "bad things" Although I like a lot of what he intends/espouses domestically. Not all mind you but quite a bit of it.
Romney? Romney is fucking Obama Lite. I don't like Obama. So pray tell, what the fuck makes you think I'd find Romney any more palatable?
Hunstman? As I've said elsewhere and said repeatedly; the second that far left, hissy fit throwing left loon fucktard Chris Matthews calls you the "sanest candidate in the room", YOU SIR cease to be a viable fucking candidate.
Santorum? Honestly I haven't payed much attention to him, maybe I should for the next couple of debates. However, don't hold your breath til you turn blue in the face, expecting me to come back with a nice opinion of him.
That is all. I now return you to your regularly scheduled inanity and insanity
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Lets talk edumacation.[that's EDUCATION]
Now I'm going to say something I've said repeatedly in the past. The tests are a crock. Why? Because the kids are being taught TO the test. IOW what they need for the test and not a hell of a lot else. Rote memorization, not learning to learn and think critically. Is that really teaching kids to learn? Or just teaching them to parrot what they've been told?
“I have a wide circle of friends in various professions. Since taking the test, I’ve detailed its contents as best I can to many of them, particularly the math section, which does more than its share of shoving students in our system out of school and on to the street. Not a single one of them said that the math I described was necessary in their profession"
Yes dude but how many of them are scientists in the fields of physics, geometrics etc etc where those maths are fundamental to what they do? You do realize that back in the pioneer days that by the time Kids got finished with what we'd call "intermediate" or middle school now, could read well, understand what they were reading, argue critically about it, and on the math side had studied up to Trigonometry and understood it because they used it in every day life?
“It might be argued that I’ve been out of school too long, that if I’d actually been in the 10th grade prior to taking the test, the material would have been fresh. But doesn’t that miss the point? A test that can determine a student’s future life chances should surely relate in some practical way to the requirements of life. I can’t see how that could possibly be true of the test I took."
Okay I actually kind of agree with this point. That being said..I also hated math, and still do..with a purple passion. Flunked PRE Algebra for christs sake. On the flip side I did very well with Geometry. Go figure. Yes kids have to be taught stuff that's practical..but that doesn't do a hell of a lot of good in my own not so humble opinion if they're not taught a love of learning. To WANT to expand their minds...not just because they should to get ahead in life but because it's FUN! I didn't get that in school..I got it at home. My parents weren't too hard on me about my math skills..my mom sucked at it too. so she didn't push me so hard there. What they taught me though was to love to read. Read ANYTHING. From the time I COULD read, I read everything I could get my hands on..whether the liberal progressive retarded bureaucrats that run our schools would have considered it "age appropriate" or not.. I devoured books. I started reading and comprehending fully Tom Clancy novels by the time I was 12. I consumed any history book I got my grubby little paws on. Which leads me to an amusing tale.
In high school, Junior year...I got so BORED with most of my classes that I used to sleep through my history class part of the time and the teacher allowed it. WHY? He knew , that I knew the material in the book forwards and backwards.. Because by the time the first couple of weeks of class were past..I'd read the ENTIRE textbook! and grokked it. Don't get me wrong..I would always go back and skim what we were reading at that point just to keep it fresh in my mind. But the teacher didn't object to my napping either . You know where I spent most of my lunch breaks of my high school career? In one of the 2 main libraries on either side of the building..reading. I'd learned my lesson well...I loved and still do love to read. But I digress....
“If I’d been required to take those two tests when I was a 10th grader, my life would almost certainly have been very different. I’d have been told I wasn’t ‘college material,’ would probably have believed it, and looked for work appropriate for the level of ability that the test said I had. "
Hence proving my point for me about the standardized tests.
Winerip writes: “As of last night, 658 principals around the state (New York) had signed a letter — 488 of them from Long Island, where the insurrection began — protesting the use of students’ test scores to evaluate teachers’ and principals’ performance"
Uhmm...if the students aren't actually learning and understanding the material, thereby allowing them to advance on merit..instead of just passing the buck like the school systems seem to do..then what earthly fucking good are the teachers failing to get the kids doing what I stated in bold? Seriously?
"One of those school principals, Winerip says, is Bernard Kaplan. Kaplan runs one of the highest-achieving schools in the state, but is required to attend 10 training sessions.
“It’s education by humiliation,” Kaplan said. “I’ve never seen teachers and principals so degraded.”
Carol Burris, named the 2010 Educator of the Year by the School Administrators Association of New York State, has to attend those 10 training sessions."
"A fourth principal, Mario Fernandez, called the evaluation process a product of “ludicrous, shallow thinking. They’re expecting a tornado to go through a junkyard and have a brand new Mercedes pop up.”
Uhmmm...NO lady. We're EXPECTING YOU TO DO YOUR GODDAMN JOB! If you can't do it...learn to. If you won't do it..walk and don't ever come back.
Oh by the way if you read the whole thing..only a DC paper could take a piece on the education system and turn it into an anti corporate rant...
I now return you to your regularly scheduled inanity and insanity; and remember...TANSTAAFL.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Dumb? Evil? REALLY?
"No I DON'T support the current administration,. I don't support the wars, but I also don't support the troops. Uhmmm I reject nationalism. I reject blind patriotism; and uhmm I reject everything that the phrase 'support the troops' in 2011...stands for."
Wow! Okay she does realize that the military doesn't JUST break shit and kill people. Our military also help the countries we end up invading REBUILD. Rebuild their infrastructure...and on OUR dime. Also when a natural disaster hits anywhere it's generally a US military ship or group of ships, or airlift, that's first or among the first to show the fuck up and render aid? No somehow I think that fact has alluded her.
Wait..it gets better.
"...many of the people in the military don't actually know what they're doing. They THINK that they're helping..uh..us. They think that they're protecting their country. Well uhm..I really don't think that's a valid 'excuse' anymore. They should know what they're fighting for, they should know what they're doing. And you know ignorance isn't going to bring someones family member back. Ignorance isn't going to change the fact that since WW2, 90% of the casualties..uhm..in..you know, in U.S. warfare has been unarmed civilians. It's not going to change that. It's not going to change the fact we've killed over a million Iraqi people..."
Sigh..REALLY liberty chick? Do tell. Look at her SOURCES on her video, she lists them below the vid.
Now lets look at a site that repudiates that crap.
Just a quote from that one.
"Glen Reinsford attacks the moral corruption of Iraq Body Count:
- "These ordinary Iraqis were victims of senseless violence. Were they killed by an American bomb or a Saudi suicide bomber? Hint: IraqBodyCount doesn't want you to know."
- "enter IraqBodyCount.net, an anti-war organization that was envisioned even before the Iraq War began, with the heady ambition of documenting each and every victim of American aggression in order to turn public opinion against the action to remove Saddam ... Somewhere along the way, however, the harsh reality began to sink in that America was acting as no other country in history has ever acted to prevent civilian casualties in warfare. As a matter of fact, more American troops have been killed in the conflict than have civilians been killed by Americans. Americans are literally taking casualties to prevent casualties on the part of Iraqi civilians. Though mere mortals might be prompted to reconsider their prejudices at this point, the folks at IraqBodyCount reacted by quietly changing their mission to include the victims of terrorists - the very people that the Americans are trying to stop. Their dubious body-count even includes members of the Iraqi security forces, who are part of the coalition. ... Another big problem with IraqBodyCount's statistics is that it even includes the terrorists themselves. ... In fact, if you .. browse their database, you'll notice that the tables are conspicuously missing a column - the party responsible for each attack. There's a reason for this, as we discovered when we analyzed each incident to answer this question. It turns out that the vast majority of civilian deaths are caused by Islamic terrorists, and that very few are from American bombs and bullets. This is because (unlike the terrorists) the Americans aren't in Iraq to kill civilians. ... In 2006, the number of civilians who died in encounters between the Americans and the terrorists was about four times lower than the number of U.S. troops killed. In short, civilians in Iraq aren't dying from the war. They are being murdered by Islamic terrorists."
Okay there's more to this but let me just interrupt this diatribe to say..what WE'RE fighting for? Honey I don't see YOUR bony ass out on the front lines defending our country. Or "killing unarmed civilians". What's this "we" shit white woman....now I return to the diatribe
"There's no excuse for them to think that they're fighting for our freedoms when the truth is they're fighting for Exxon Mobil and British Petroleum, and Haliburton, and [something] and root, that there's no excuse. they don't have that excuse anymore."
Wow she really is a darling far left moonbat liberal isn't she? there's a little more to this part of it but I'll skip ahead to her second category that people who join the military fall under.
"They're evil. Uhh.that's a large possibility. I mean uhm if you were a serial killer, what better job to have than a job where you chop someones head off and get paid for it. To have a job where you're given a badge of honor..uhm,mm this is true..where you're given a badge of honor..uhm..for uhm..stabbing someone to death. Uhh who did nothing. Uhm..that would be a perfect job. if you were a serial killer, if you loved violence, the perfect place for you to find employment would be the U.S. military. So you're either dumb, you couldn't get a real job, you were backed in a corner, you had to pay child support, you had to join the military to get money. Uhmm..or you're evil., and you realize what you are doing and you like it. "
Holy SHIT! Nope..this bitch doesn't have a superiority complex...NOT AT ALL. Wow! Do any of my many military friends with degrees and MULTIPLE degrees/Ph. D's, in hard sciences, CPA's mathematics and other useful fields of endeavor want to go disabuse her of that notion? No? Don't want to waste your time verbally banging your head against a brick wall? Hmmm................can't say as I blame you my friends. I love the fact she says it's a large "possibility" that some of you are serial killers. Anyone want to raise their hands and admit to killing lots of people for the FUN of it and the power rush involved? No? *sarcasm ON* Come on boys..I know many of you love to kill people for shits and giggles. Admit it! Oh and next time..send me high end electronics as friendship tokens...not body parts and womens/ childrens clothing and jewelry. Okay? Thanks. Doofuses. *sarcasm OFF*
She thinks people join the military to MAKE money? Does she have any concept of how much our lads and lasses in uniform MAKE? Or how they live? Or just how highly educated most of our military is? I doubt it myself.
*chinscratch* Or for that matter..WHY most of you boys and girls join? No...she said at the beginning of this little font of stupidity that she doesn't believe in nationalism or patriotism...so that answers THAT question.
"Or that you realize that what you're doing is wrong and that you're morally compromised. Uh, that's the 3rd option. I believe that a lot of people fall under that option, but you know that's not an excuse either. I'm not going to support your position of being 'morally compromised'...."
*headdesk, headdesk, headdesk*
"I don't like living in a culture where we basically...kiss these peoples asses for joining an organization that has killed over a million innocent people. Uh it doesn't make any sense. To me that's disgusting. And I don't care if you think if this video is offensive I think the fact that someone would join an organization that has killed over a million innocent people simply because they want money, or they want the..the..the glory of having their ass kissed and everyone telling them 'oh thank you so much your a hero'..I think THAT'S offensive. I think that that's wrong. I think thats morally repugnant."
Well at least she's consistent, no?
Sigh..you know what? I love you guys I REALLY do. However I can't sit through and listen to/watch this fecal matter yet again. I feel my IQ dropping rapidly as I sit here and listen to it , so I'm going to stop. You can watch the rest of it on your own. Me? I'm going to shut this dumb shit off and salvage what's left of my higher brain functions, and critical thinking ability.
I now return you to your regularly scheduled inanity and insanity.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Kiss your civil rights goodbye.
What Rand Paul said BEFORE the vote on the Udall Webb Amendment to the DSA.
WHY he said it.
and if you read further down the bill it gets BAD.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Habeus Corpus and Posse Comitatus..just got led like lambs to a slaughter.
Obama told us HIMSELF he intended this TWO YEARS ago...
Holy shit I agree with something Rachel Maddow says. Then of course
It's a really bad day when I agree with some thing like the Democratic Underground.
Well THAT settles it..I AM in hell.
I want you to think about this...I'm praising 35 DEMOCRATS for realizing what an insanely bad fucking idea those provisions in the Defense Spending Authorization bill were. Something that 60 others..including the rest of the republicans..FAILED to grasp.
I mean really...I'm praising 35 Liberal Dems..some of whom I personally hate with a purple passion and whose future graves I'd cheerfully offer to dance upon, for standing up where the republican party failed to. I'm...I'm...feeling totally mindfucked right now.
I honestly don't think that a very large chunk of my fellow American citizens groks just how bad this is. "Well the Republicans can just vote to rescind that portion
" If they were gonna do THAT they could have done it with the Udall Webb Amendment to remove that section entirely from the DSA! The Udall Webb Amendment was defeated 61-37. 47 of those NAY votes to deny this amendment were REPUBLICANS! Think about that..out of 61 who voted AGAINST this amendment. 47 were republicans. Of the 37 who voted FOR this amendment..only TWO were republicans...the other 35 were DEMOCRATS.
I think it's safe to say that this is the day that the America of our forefathers...the land most of us love...was murdered in cold blood for the sake of power.
You think we can get it back? Then remember this..those who take and wield power very rarely give it up willingly. It has to be taken from them, in turn.
For those of you who are like me..Babylon 5 fans..we the citizens are now the Narn..just before the Narn Centauri war. Lets hope we're luckier than the Narn were at the "end" of that conflict.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Instead of presents under the tree this year...
"Because of those higher standards, traditional bulbs will probably be phased out, to be replaced with more efficient incandescent bulbs, compact fluorescents and LEDs."
Yes you idiots essentially killing an industry. Effectively banning them. Stifling choice.
"The government has taken upon itself to decide what people should buy," said Myron Ebell, head of Freedom Action, an activist group he described as "hardcore free market."
Exactly It is like Obamacare FORCING the choice upon the people. That is NOT the governments goddamn job.
"Even though fluorescent light bulbs cost about five times more than incandescents, Americans would save a total of $12 billion a year by 2020 if the standards are left in place due to lower electricity bills, said the Natural Resources Defense Council."
Yep and I have serious doubts about these espoused numbers. Just like with Climate change..I'm inclined to believe they're falsifyng the numbers to push their GREEN agenda.
"But what really motivated the higher standards to begin with was a desire to save energy and cut pollution. NRDC estimates the standards would eliminate the need to build 33 coal-fired power plants by 2020, when the standards are fully in effect."
How the fuck do they figure that? It's not a matter of efficiency it's a matter of USAGE and growing population that's driving the need to build more plants to keep the grid up and running and to supply the needed power to prevent black and brown outs. Idiots.
"But for critics it's all about choice. If people want to save money over the long run by buying a fluorescent light bulb, that's fine -- they just don't want the government to force people to do it."
Exactly I believe I already said that but..it bears repeating. It is NOT the governments job to effectively FORCE a choice upon people by effectively eliminating through asinine regulations one of the choices. That's not freedom of choice, that's dictatorial enforcement of unneeded laws by fiat.
"When it comes to reducing pollution, critics say cutting down on pollutants like sulfur dioxide that cause acid rain or asthma is a worthy cause. But they argue that going after carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas that scientists believe causes global warming, is a waste of time.
Most of those who want to overturn the ban do not believe in global warming, despite the consensus among the scientific community."
WHAT CONSENSUS! Oh perhaps you missed this fucking memo that says the numbers were being finagled and flat out falsified
link 1. link 2. link 3. and on and on...IGNORING the fact that the planet is ALWAYS warming or cooling. It's cyclical and has FUCK ALL to do with humanity. To presume [1&3 are the most apt in this instance] that humanity can have THAT big an effect on the planet wide climate..in the microscopic amount of time we've been around on the grand geologic time scale is the very height of arrogance. Personally they make me exceedingly irritable with this shit. What has the single biggest effect on our climate? The Sun. You know, that big ball of flaming gases that lights and warms our planet on a daily, monthly, yearly, millenial and ad infinitum basis? At least until it goes out and then explodes. By which time Humanity will merely be a microscopic blip on the universal scale of time and life. A memory.
Rick Perry in his wisdom earlier over the summer signed THIS little beauty..telling the feds that they could kiss the ass of my Great State.
Now when, boys and girls, are we going to stop listening to the "sky is falling" idiots of the green movement and realize that yeah...we can go green for definitions of green but by and large what I consider green is just common sense. Where as what THEY consider green is the death of civilization as we know it. Meaning my children the deaths of a good many of the people that live on this 3rd rock from the sun. However you'll never hear THEM say that because they don't intend to follow their own rules...these egotistical self masturbators rarely do. What do I consider 'common sense'? recycling and reusing plastic water bottles. Recycling aluminum and other metals, including things like copper wire. Reusing containers if at all possible. [for example rather than being stupid and pouring grease down a kitchen sink..pour them into empty peanut butter jars.] Using filtered water out of a sink instead of buying water bottles. IOW..install a filter on your sink. $30 for the system, $25-30 every 4-6 months for a fresh box of filter replacements..*shrug* One filter will fill the equivalent of 1500 water bottles. Use stainless steel bottles, or thermos's.[yes I've actually got some] But trying to force us into electric cars, into using lightbulbs that aren't as "efficient" as others but give off sufficient light AND heat; and yes the heat is a bonus in the winter time; is WRONG. Wake up people and smell what these people and our government are cooking.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Hard Times, but thankful
I'm alive and relatively healthy, my family is intact.*shrug* everything else is negotiable.
Happy Thanksgiving lads and lasses
Monday, November 21, 2011
Your FIRED! *facepalm*
The Super Committee Failure
This Committee was doomed from the beginning. Why? Because nothing ever gets accomplished by committee without strong leadership. Committees are debate societies..nothing else. You put two diametrically opposed philosophies into a committee and what you get is indecision and failure. Why did we get this committee? Well because President Obama is a socialistic, dogmatic dick.
He took office in 09, with a completely democratically Senate and House, they passed spending bill after spending bill. Executive order after executive order, and FAILED to pass a budget for 2yrs. THINK about that. With complete and utter control they couldn't be bothered to pass a BUDGET? All they did was pass continuing resolutions to keep spending at the same levels, so that they didn't have to pass a budget. Now that the Republicans control the house we still can't get a budget passed. Why? Well because we need some real spending cuts and the democrats and the white house don't want to be common sensical and logical about this.
Look at just 2 of the names that the Democrats put on that committee. John Kerry and Max Baucus. That right there should have been your 2nd clue that this was doomed to failure from the start. So what was the first and basically only proposal from the democrats? Raise Taxes? Good guess. Let me explain what raising taxes gets you, raising taxes means people have less money. Which in turn means they have to be tighter with their budget because..............?
They have less money, going not nearly as far, to pay their bills, keep a roof over their heads and to feed their families! This is not rocket science you stupid shits. It's simple mathematics.
For starters we need reform of the Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid systems. The fraud in the systems need to be found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They all need a rewrite so that they work differently for the next 40 years and then are completely phased out. When you make a bunch of people completely dependent of the government for handouts you create a permanent underclass of people. Beholden to that government, who will do whatever, say whatever, and vote whichever way that government wants to keep their freebies coming. That's wrong on both, financial, ethical, moral, and spiritual standards. See at that point..you're not a person. Just a soulless automaton, who does exactly what it's told. You're dead inside.
We also need a freeze on the current tax code. All rates will be frozen in place. A new flat income tax code of 10% will be written, put into place and enforced. Everyone pays the same..no one gets a break. What could be more fair than that? After all as a favorite character of mine says to an IRS gestapo assbag " 10% is good enough for the lord, it should be good enough for the GODDAMN Government."
Then we need some major cuts. Since we are replacing the current tax code the IRS is the 1st to go. Cut down to say..25% of what it is now. Maybe 10% Since we've simplified the tax code we don't need all those faceless bureaucrats, bean counters, secretaries and TAX LAWYERS anymore now do we? Didn't think so.
Next we move on to Defense. Yes we need SOME cuts. Not drastic ones though. Especially not with us still in theatre, involved in a "low grade" guerilla war in the Middle East. We also need to look at the way the appropriations and contract awards system works. I have no doubt theres some fraud going on in there..otherwise there wouldn't be such MASSIVE cost over runs in time and materials, in what our new planes, and other equipment cost us. Frankly We're getting too...focused on one plane that can do all things. That is one area where following the KISS principle would benefit us. They're phasing out the A10. Why? It's the perfect armor killing and troop support machine. Leave it the fuck alone..leave it in service. Yes it's old..but just because it's old does not make it worthless. I could go on..but that's not my intention.
The BATFE. Or as I not so affectionately refer to them..The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fuckups Extraordinaire.. They have gotten way to out of control. We have a 2nd amentment for a reason. Their budget gets cut by 50% Their base job is to investigate Tobacco and Alcohol regulations as it regards age and distribution.
The EPA. The Environmental Protection Agency has been running roughshod over the people and fucking things up royally for the last 10-20yrs. Primarily because the "lets be eco friendly", "we have to save the earth", green movement*puke* Sorry but that's all a crock of shit. This one I'd say cut the budget by 80% and tell them to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.. Because outside of investigating the occasional toxic waste spill and sporadic monitoring of air and water quality..they're a drain on resources and materials that we don't need.
The Department of Agriculture. Ahhh that one just eliminate altogether. Why the fuck do we have a department whose sole job is to tell farmers, most of whom are family owned by people who've been doing nothing BUT farming for generations, how to do their jobs, anyway? Seriously? Someone want to explain that one to me? No, you know what? Never mind I'm not in the mood to hear it.
The Department of Homeland Security. Ahhh..another drain on resources. We already HAVE a dept of homeland security. It's called THE U.S. MILITARY!! Therefore..this one can be completely eliminated.
FBI- cut it back ohhh..30%. Yes I just randomly pulled that figure out of my ass. What of it. Cut the budget and reign in their investigative scope and powers. They too have gotten a little big in the britches department.
The various intelligence agencies. Now there I'm in a bit of a quandry. See most of the world and it's governments don't like us very much, therefore we need the intelligence agencies. My gripe is that we've become waay too dependent on Elint[Electronic Intelligence] gathering means; and gotten away from eyes and ears on the ground, HUMINT. So we need to do some juggling there I think. If anything I might increase that budget a little bit.
There are various other agencies, authorities, and laws that we don't need anymore even if they served a purpose once in the past; and agencies, authorities and laws that just never made sense in the first place. You prune all that shit out, and people..this country can turn itself around. We'll be self sufficient and prosperous again. Put the government on a leash, and a strict budget.
We as a people need to take responsibility for ourselves again instead of giving up, or having those choice taken from us by a government that's become like the mythical hydra. Cut off one head and the bastard grows another. We need to kill the hydra people. Then and only then will we bring ourselves out of the dark times we find ourselves in.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
11yr old being racist? NOT!
"The boy saw local CBS affiliate KTLA NEWS Anchor Chris Schauble in the school cafeteria, dressed in a suit and tie, walking around and shaking hands with teachers and students. Mr. Schauble was visiting the school to have lunch with his daughter, who also attends the school. Upon first glance, the 11 year old believed the man might be Obama then quickly realized he was not. However, thinking the resemblance was worth sharing he told his friend that “Obama is attending our school.” Soon, his friend told another friend, who passed it along and eventually word got back to the daughter of Schauble who took it to be a “racist” comment. When the girl reported to her teacher that that Grayson was telling people her father looked like Obama, and that it made her feel uncomfortable, the teacher passed the news to the principal who told the school superintendent, Dr. Winger."
Okay...failure point ONE. The teacher in this case could have done one of 3 things:
A." Okay child, you've told me, I'll handle it" and then never done anything about it
B. What's wrong with you child? Someone thinks that your father looks like the President and you're getting bent out of shape and having a snit? It's not an insult little one. It's a COMPLIMENT. Now go bring me the dictionary from the shelf and lets look up those two words shall we? It COULD have been a teachable moment. For which I give the teacher a big red F. Now if the child was still being obdurately well...childish. The next step should have been
C. To send a note home with the child, requesting and immediate meeting with both parents. To explain the situation to the parents who then..if THEY have any brains would have gone home and explained things to the child and made it a teachable moment.
So what did the teacher do? Passed the Buck. Dropped it in someone else's lap. In other words they FAILED to deal with the situation and it started to sno ball.
Okay it's gone to the PRINCIPAL. So what should the principal have done?
Any ONE of the previous 3 suggestions. My own personal preference would be choice B. followed immediately thereafter by C. Alas..again the PRINCIPAL...chose to pass the buck, instead of dealing with the situation..which IS HIS GODDAMN JOB!
And so now we come to the Superindendent who did what? Oh he did THIS
"It was at this point, things took a strange turn. Grayson was attending the school on a waiver (due to a recent move) and the superintendent decided the appropriate action was to “recall the waiver” and send Grayson to another school. He called the parents of the boy and explained the severity of the situation and that Grayson would no longer be allowed to attend school starting on Monday. When questioned why he would not be allowed to attend school, they claimed it was because Grayson was making “racist” comments. When pressed for the details of the racist comments, Mr. Winger replied, “It was racist because Grayson was saying that all black men look alike.” But when questioned further by the parents if indeed Grayson had said that all all blacks look alike Winger’s response was, “No, he only said that the man in question looks like Obama.”"
*TRIPLE FACEPALM* Yep he flat out told the parents of the Boy, Thomas Grayson that he was being expelled for saying that the girls father looked like President Obama! *headdesk, headdesk, headdesk!!* ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!! I ask again..WHERE ARE YOUR BRAINS! Because they're certainly not residing in this stupid motherfuckers empty skull! So now we have the child being expelled, his waiver revoked at THAT school and the boy being sent to a different school. Alas we ALSO have this:
"Since that time, Grayson has been being bullied via texts by friends of Schauble’s daughter who have taken the “racist” label placed on the boy by the school administration to an entirely new level, calling him a “f***ing racist liar” and a “stalker” among other things. Word of this has also spread to Grayson’s older sister’s school where she is also being taunted about her brother. The bullying texts have yet to be addressed by the school administration."
Here's the rest of the blog article I got this from:
In conclusion...what we have here is a failure to use common sense, as well as a failure to communicate. This should NEVER have gotten as far as it has.
Me? Anyone remember that scene in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, where Ferris slaps the crap out of Cameron and asks him "where are your brains"?
You do? good because I'd like to put all 3 of these idiots on their knees and apply the Cluebat of Sanity Restoring to the backs of their thick skulls. Now assuming they're still conscious I'll follow that up with "Where's your brains?!"
That is all. I now return you to your regularly scheduled insanity and inanity.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Idle thoughts
Questions, thoughts, stupidity bouncing around my brain
What's for dinner tonight? Good question. I know what I'm fixing for others but what the hell do I want for myself? That is the burning question in my mind now that I've just finished scarfing down lunch.
What was lunch you ask? Okay I'll tell you. Scrambled some eggs and fluffed them out a little with some milk, then dumped into a skillet with some diced ham, onions, bacon bits[the fake stuff..not real bacon..*shrug*] and some red pepper flake. Salted and peppered then cooked. melt some cheese, toss in some ranch dressing and VOILA! lunch of kings.
What's for thanksgiving dinner? okay that one isn't really a question...the family and I decided that last night. Turkey, rolls, stuffing[real home made stuffing..not the in the box stuff..though I like that too]mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes[not sure whether those are going to be mashed or baked] olives[for mom] and gravy. Oh and probably the cranberry stuff. Don't really need anything other than that. I believe in the KISS principle.
I'm reading Titanicus by Dan Abnett right now. Will probably jump off the web in a little bit and attempt to mostly finish it before dinner. I think I've mentioned before how much I REALLY love the Warhammer 40000 universe since I discovered it. I want the new video game for the computer for it. Need a video card for the computer first. Need money for that first. Sadly there are many other things that NEED to be dealt with before I can play that way. Danggit. I could probably get away with playing Unreal Tournament...the on board graphics of the mobo should handle that I think. Card would be better though. Meh
I find myself wondering why my computer is running a tad slower. Well ..probably should have dl'd all that porn. oh well. porn deleted. probably ought to download, install and run malware bytes just to make sure..nothing slipped through. Plus I'm ripping all my CD's into the computer..not half done yet. Then got to go through and rip the cd's that I like that are in the stacks of the rest of the famn damily. Meh. Went to run a deep scan last night to discover..oooh software update for my AV. Okay I don't DISlike the interface. However I do have 2 minor problems with it.
1. The interface window only comes in one size...SMALL you can't expand it..THAT I find annoying.
2. What happened to the threat meter..I LIKED having that. It was probably a useless little widget but it made me feel better and it LOOKED cool.. *shrug* yeah I know that gripe was a little childish and stupid.
Still contemplating installing my several year old version of MS Reader. in my new Win7 computer. I freakin love that program and if it will work on my new Win7 system without any software hiccups..it also means I don't have to download calibre and convert all those files to Kindle. Not having to do that would make me very happy., not to mention save me time.
I probably should have shaved last night when I showered...my several day shadow of a beard is driving me NUTS with itching.
Just a few of the random thoughts bouncing around inside my head.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Busy Day on America's Death Row's
Busy day on Death Row.
Piece of Shit #1 Reginald Brooks. Murdered his 3 sons [11,15,17] after his wife filed for divorce.
He was executed in Ohio at 2:04 pm while flipping the witnesses a double bird. No last words. His ex wife isn't going to miss him that's for sure
So scratch dirtbag number one.
Piece of Shit #2 Oba Chandler-put to death an hour ago in Florida for the brutal 1989 triple rape and murder of Joan Rogers and her two teenage daughters Michelle and Christie. Real charming soul this one. He raped them, then tied them to concrete blocks and dropped them over the side of his boat...ALIVE.
The picture above is of the mother and 2 daughters.
Only one more left to die at 6pm today..here in Texas. a little less than 2hrs from now.
Guadalupe Esparza.[34 at the time of his crime] Convicted of the brutal rape and murder of 7yr old Alyssa Marie Vasquez
Make no mistake. I feel no pity for these pieces of human shit. I personally think for their crimes their deaths are way to swift and merciful. Way, Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy to swift and merciful.
Update re Esparza HE'S A GONER! goodbye douchebag. have fun roasting in hell.