Sunday, September 1, 2013

10 more days.

10 more days until the 12th anniversary of yet another day in US History that will live in infamy.

I'll be doing my usual post on that day. Meanwhile...our government is playing politics, our president is thinking about getting us involved in another one of those "police actions" like they called a limited way. Getting us involved in yet another country's civil war. A hole in the wall, a hot, sandy, steaming pile of shit called Syria. For what? For the very bio chem weapons that the libs screamed that Bush lied about Saddam having. Sigh. Intelligence reports some of the info from which was released by Bush 2 at the time, stated that before the invasion got underway that Saddam sent his bio chem shit to Syria and planes and other equipment elsewhere.  So what's so fucking shocking about Syria's government using those same chemical weapons on it's own country NOW, much like Saddam did to the kurds?

Sigh...and the saga continues.

Remember TANSTAAFL and...
I now return you to your regularly scheduled inanity and insanity


  1. As I ask every prog friend every month or so:

    "How's that hopenchange working out for ya?"

    Only answers are dirty looks....

    1. or screams of ;hater;, ;racist' etc, nauseum
      want to really make them scream? Tell them racism doesn't exist. what they insist on defining as racism is in fact tribalism. Tribalism has been a part of human nature since we split from our ape ancestors, and came down from the trees. Many of us belong to many different 'tribes'. We have our wives and kids, what we call family. We have our cousins uncles etc, what some in the south refer to as kin and others refer to as extended family. that's tribalism on a micro scale. for the MACRO...I give you the nations of the world.

  2. THAT is a slick thought. If you don't mind, I'll put a few miles on that. I may have to not use it if heads start exploding, though...

    1. 1. you many not have to use it if heads start exploding? Man if that's gonna be your attitude...your going to take at least half the fun out of that particular argument.
      2 Think about it. sociologically's true. One way or another everything breaks down into tribe. be it family, be it friends, be it some group...say the navy, army, air force etc. What are they but several small tribes that subsume themselves into a bigger tribe[or family] , the military as a whole, for the greater good of the GREATER tribe...the nation they love. Sports fans are a tribe of their own...brought together by their love of various sports. Gamers, geeks, nerds, cos players...gun owners and enthusiasts, car nuts...all sociological tribes of choice. They choose to belong to those tribes due to their love of whatever it is they celebrate and enjoy. *shrug* There isn't but one "race" and that's the Human one. all else is tribalism

    2. sigh. shit. I can see I'm going to have to do a whole post on this and explain with more examples. question is do I stay up and do it or go to bed and do it after I wake? meh.

  3. I was more concerned with the work the Bosslady would have to do cleaning up the exploded blood and feathers (no brains, obviously).
    Looking forward to reading the post.

    1. yeah. I think I covered it in one of my previous writings last year. god knows I ain't written a hell of a lot this year.


Feel free to drop a line but try and keep it civil if it breaks into a heated discussion.