Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I watch..

and I wonder.  Where will we be as a nation in 10, 20 years?  Will we still exist?  Or more specifically, will we still exist as nation?  If we are still a nation will it any longer be a nation we recognize?  Will we still call ourselves the United State of America?  Will we any longer be truly, United I wonder?

I just don't know...though I suspect the answer, IF enough people finally reach their breaking points and band together that the answer to at least some of those questions will be, yes.   As I watch and read the various news posts and blogs, and goings on in the world today; I also understand that as a nation at this moment we are in the middle of a Schism Event, for lack of a better term.  We are as a nation deeply, deeply divided by ideology , by education and the lack there of, by attitudes.  All of this DRIVEN not by our own ideas and prejudices...though that is a part of it; but by the very people we hire to represent us.  Our Government.  So who is to blame?  Us?  Or the government?  The government is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, fucking things up to a fare thee well. To a point where it's all going to collapse and rise anew from it's own ashes, and maybe not for the better. Or it's all going to burn and all that will be left is barbarism.  Only time will tell.   By and large though this is the fault of  Us, you and me, We the People.  The huddled masses.

Some recognized the rot setting in and screamed from the rooftops.  They were ignored.  Some of us still scream from the rooftops and are ignored. The being ignored part is to be expected of course. The complete collapse of the education system and it's inability to actually teach, to get kids to learn..to learn. To study and understand history, economics, and more importantly to imbue in young minds to pass on to those young minds.. the ability to think logically, critically.  To understand that from failure comes success because only by failing, by falling on our asses and getting back up to try and try again...can we learn to succeed.  Now a days that is not what is taught. What is taught is that they are speciall simply because they exist.  That may be true of immediate family but to the rest of the world?

By allowing that rot to set in, by tolerating it's existence, and in the case of some encouraging it's spread,  we are where we are at today.  There is as I said...hope. I know of many friends, online that are teaching their kids to think for themselves, to question authority, to think logically and critically. To be able to fend for themselves in the world. Whether it be a stable world or a world gone mad is irrelevant, those kids will survive...they will thrive.   But I still wonder what kind of world we'll give them to inherit. 

So for their sake, and my own..I'll continue to scream from the roof tops, at the top of my lungs.  Loudly, Bluntly, and as profanely as possible in the hopes that enough of the sheep realize that being calmly led to the slaughter, willingly, is no way to live. And in that realization...become sheepdogs, sheperds to light the way for the future.

Remember TANSTAAFL and..
I now return you to your regularly scheduled inanity and insanity.


  1. Ashes brother. You've read the books. I think it's coming to that. Minus the Russian-Mutants... Possible CHUD's in NYC tho.

    I have no hope. I see it all collapsing in 1-4 years. So sorry for you younger guys, it'll suck. Me? Dieing anyway, so I don't have to spend another 40 years in the ruins. You, my daughter and that aged folks will have too. I'm depressed.


    1. Sad thing is many of the younger and a good many around my age...just don't see the problem with a complete collapse. Sigh...

    2. BTW CHUD's in NYC? Well the tunnels are certainly deep enough.....

  2. Some new stuff.



    1. posted a post for the mods on motherlode. you keep wanting me to comment on articles on the main site and the frelling thing won't let me log in with my forum login.

  3. I like chuds...
    they taste like plastic...
    Read that series too.

  4. Watch this....
    I got it from the adasks law site...



  5. wolf...the forum and the main site are separate. go get a main account!


Feel free to drop a line but try and keep it civil if it breaks into a heated discussion.