Tuesday, July 12, 2011

oh dearie me, FACTS again? tsk tsk.

Sigh..you know..the Moronically Stupid Media seems to have this little problem presenting FACTS. They give credit and blame where it for most part..isn't due. Rachel Maddow..foaming leftist attack twit last night credited Bill Clinton with having budget surpluses. Sadly what she FAILS to mention is that the CONGRESS was a Republican controlled one, thereby able to keep a leash on his stupidities. Remember one thing children if you remember nothing else..The HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES controls the purse strings.
"After a failed attempt at health care reform, Republicans won control of the House of Representatives in 1994, for the first time in forty years."
Don't get me wrong..if I'd known ol Bill in a personal friendship kind of way, I'd have probably been fond of him personally. His policies however..no


Now look at the link I just posted. It claims the republicans were the worst but I'm going to take that premise, turn it upside down and shove it up their liberal asses sideways..without the benefit of lube.
Lets look at the numbers shall we?
Reagan took over in 81 the national debt at the time[left by Carter] $1,028,729,000,000. When he did his last year in 88 it was$2,684,392,000,000. a difference of $1,655,663,000,000 spread out over 8 YEARS!
The 97th [81-82] congress had a Republican Senate and a Democratic House. Always remember children..the HOUSE controls the purse strings.
The 98th [83-84] Congress it flip flopped. Democrat Majority in the Senate and Republican in the House.
The 99th Congress [85-86] it flip flopped again Republicans in the Senate and Dems in the House
The 100th Congress [[87-88] was a Dem Majority in BOTH houses.

Now lets look at Bush Senior. Debt went from $2,952,994,000,000 in 89 to $4,177,009,000,000 a difference of $1,224,065,000,000 in 4 years. Not great but not bad either. Now lets look at the congresses he had to work with.
The 101st Congress[89-90] Democrats controlled both houses
The 102nd Congress [91-92] Dem Majority in BOTH houses.

Now for the oh so idyllic Clinton years. Yes lets look at that shall we? Debt went from $4,535,687,054,406 in 93 to $5,662,216,013,697 a difference of...$1,126,528,959,291. Okay okay so he had the better of the 1st 2 in how much he grew the debt. But again..let us look at the congresses.
The 103rd Congress [93-94] Dem Majority in BOTH houses
The 104th Congress [95-96] Republican Majority in BOTH houses. I'd guess the people were a little pissed about the spending spree, no?
The 105th Congress [97-98] Republican Majority in Both Houses
The 106th Congress [99-2000] Republican Majority in Both houses
Does anyone see a pattern here? Now none of these save Bush Senior had to fight an actual HOT war and that was a bloody short one on ONE front.

Lets move on shall we? Who is next? Oh yeah..Bush Jr. Now remember come the end of 2001 we got nailed by a lovely bunch of people called Al Queda. Islamic Terrorists from the Middle East who flew 2 planes into the Twin Towers, Tried to fly one to the White House and dropped another small one on the Pentagon..all within the matter of a few VERY short hours.

His debt went from $5,943,438,563,436 in 2001 to $10,699,804,864,612. A difference of $4,756,366,301,176 in 8yrs. A debt driven up while fighting a war not on ONE front but by the middle of the war, 3 fronts. *headscratch*

Which is kind of insane I know but when the target your hunting and killing keeps changing hideouts..you have to track, locate, confirm identity and then kill em all over again. Islamic terrorist are like Cockroaches..you think you've killed the fuckers and they pop up somewhere else. It's annoying as all hell to me. Frankly I'm surprised Bush Jr didn't pull his hair out in frustration.
Anyway lets look at the Congresses he had to deal with over the years shall we?
the 107th Congress[2001-2002] He had a fairly even split in the Senate and a Republican controlled house.
The 108th Congress [2003-2004] Republican Majority in both houses.
The 109th Congress [2005-2006] Republican Majority in both houses.
The 110th Congress [2007-2008] Democrat Majority. Nancy Pelosi took the gavel.

Now on to Obama..the Annointed One, The 2nd Coming of Christ himself according to some liberal twit..most notably in the beginning by Chrissy" it just sends a tingle up my leg" Matthews. Jeeebus Matthews..go jerk yourself off to a picture of Obama already and come back to your desk afterwords after you've gained some control for fuck sake. damn.!
Anyway..Obama went from $12,311,349,677,512 in 2009 to $14,025,215,218,709 in 2010 a difference of $1,713,865,540,567.
His congresses?
The 111th Congress [2009-2010] Democrats controlled both houses
The 112th Congress [2011-2012forthcoming] Dem controlled Senate Republican Controlled house.

Now what I have done is simply calculate the differences between the debt at the end of their 1st year versus the end of their last. Now to be more accurate you'd really have to take the debt at the end of the previous presidents term and subtract the end of the current presidents term sooo..Obama was given a debt to work with at the end of Bush Jr's presidency of $10,699,804,864,612 and at the end of Obama's 2nd year, last year it was up to.. $14,025,215,218,709 a difference of..$3,325,410,354,097..the debt clock is CURRENTLY up to $14,493,920,800,000 this very second. which is a difference of $3,794,115,935,388 just under $4 TRILLION dollars in Just under 3 years. *headshake* fuck me sideways if that don't blow my mind.

*I can hear the screaming now* For crying out loud YES, part of that is the now winding down, almost done war [according to who? does NO ONE on his staff and among his advisors READ and COMPREHEND military and middle eastern history for fuck sake? jesus jumpin h christ!] but a lot of it has to do with his own spending. Stimulus bills 2 and 3, the government takeover of General Motors [what the hell else do you call it when the government owns 1/3 of a private company?] etc etc.

Oh and unemployment rates? They went from being steady around 5-5.5% during the Bush years and have rocketed to at last count 9.2% currently during the current administration. ain't that funny? No? I don't think so either.

Edit 9/14/11 the debt added between the time Obama took off and right now? $4,024,297,135,388. and in the time it's taken me to type this it's gone up another $5 million.

That is all. I now return you to your regularly scheduled inanity and insanity.

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