Saturday, March 21, 2009

Welcome to My Nightmare

I've copied and pasted this from another blog of mine because frankly I think its relevant. I first posted this little speech on 1/23/07..almost 2yrs ago to the day. I'm a little early for the 2nd anniversary. :P after listening to the rhetoric from the presidential election and listening to inaugural speech of Pres Barrack Hussein Obama, I think its even more relevant. ****************************************
***************************************************** "I am living in a nightmare, whence I cannot awaken. Welcome to my nightmare" This is the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Whisper the truth in this brave, free land, and they call you a bigot. Suggest the obvious and you are a fascist. Welcome to my nightmare. We give cash money, free medical services, food stamps, free housing, and utility subsidies to the poorest class of society, as a payment for producing welfare babies, usually illegitimate. Those who pay the taxes for these services-the workers-must first pay their taxes and then pay retail prices for goods and services. Welcome to my nightmare. Everyone can do everything as well as anyone else, whether they can or not. If the test results prove otherwise, change the tests. We no longer value equality of opportunity, but rather equality of result. Equality of opportunity means that some will fail; therefore, boost up all those who might fail, even though now no one may succeed. We must now discriminate in favor of minority children and grandchildren ,in the name of justice. Welcome to my nightmare. Lawyers and judges control every facet of our lives, public and private. No one is safe from a lawsuit, no matter how ridiculous. Policemen cannot arrest, teachers cannot teach, bureaucrats cannot administer without fear that they soon will answer to someone's lawyer, for some half-forgotten mistake. So, in many cases, they do nothing at all. Welcome to my nightmare, You may speak these words privately, because everyone knows they are true. You may not speak them publicly, because then you are intolerant; you despise the poor; and you smile upon oppression. We adore freedom of speech, but do not dare use it. Use it, and we will punish you. Welcome to my nightmare." ************************************************************************************ I remembered that speech this morning after I woke up. not the words just the title. Welcome to My Nightmare, if we do not get our shit together and get our representatives in government to represent us, the people who keep putting them in power; then eventually we WILL lose our freedoms. We won't lose them with a bang but with a whimper, and this land of freedom will be free no more. Just a thought to ponder..back during the cold war America was accused of infecting Russians with our capitalist bujois[sp?] lies. They are trying to emulate us and have our economy. The politicians more specifically the Liberals in particular and Dems in general are fast trying to head us down the road toward socialism and communism. ****************************************************************************************** The roman empire failed to keep the masses happy even when it became a land of entertainments and colusiums. We now have our own version of that in our concert venues and sports arenas. The mob is hungry and restless I think the America as we know is about to come to an end. There's a new modern Messiah thats taken the highest gainsay anything he says is racist, to call the religion of global warming the crock of shit it is and your called ignorant and intolerant to new ideas. I've got a bad feeling we're seeing and HAVE been seeing and not recognizing it; the fall of our own empire. ********************************************** New material March 21st Welcome to the nightmare..everytime I turn around Obama and his followers and democraps in congress keep coming up with more and more resolutions to chip away at the the constitution and trying to curtail our freedoms. The latest one HR1388 which creates a paid volunteer force starting with kids is frightening as hell. I wonder how much our new messiah studied old tapes of people like JFK..the man he's being compared to and is hailed as our generation's rebirth of. I personally think the 'messiah' and Hitler, Stalin and a few other past dictators and potentates I could name, would have gotten along like gangbusters. So to you my readers I say this. HOPE for the best, PREPARE for the worst.

January 2021 update.  Well...I warned you. I warned you for more than a decade. Now here we are. The Republic? the great experiment in freedom of our founding fathers? Is officially DEAD. the power brokers and the dems openly stole not just the reelection of Trump...but the run offs in Georgia as well. Oh to be sure there were other thefts in the last decades. Franken in 04 and Sinema in AZ in 2018.  Just two that I know of, off the top of my head. Where do we go from here? enslavement or the grave. At least the grave holds hope of freedom...of some sort. there won't be a country left. Certainly not the one I grew up in as a child or the ones my parents grew up in.  My father would have blown a blood vessel and had an anuerysm at what was done in November.  Lady Liberty has done had her skirt lifted and she's been violated bad. Same with Lady Justice. The Courts? the courts could have possibly saved this///but the courts turned their backs on Justice. So to did the United States Supreme Court.  Justice in this now officially..DEAD. It's been on the ropes for a while now as well. People have forgotten one of the overriding principles of the founding of this nation. We the People, not the representatives we elect...are the supreme law of the land and the arbiters of our own destinies. The people over the last 100yrs or more have given over more and more of their freedoms, in stupid acts of contrition to the very people who are supposed to represent us. Trump? Trump was the last gasp of the people to try and set this ship aright. We had it good for a few years. I had hopes. My failure, in the long run was to not take my own advice and prepare for the worst.  I and my family are going to pay the price for my lack of will. So are we all. Can we fight? and by fight I mean a full blown civil war because that's the only way to 'fix' this for degrees of  'fixing'. Understand something. Even if we win, this will not be the United States of America anymore. Sure there might be a state or an alliance of states that adhere to the constitution...and those states might even succeed. But surrounding those states? Other failed states. Banana republics. You've bitched about what we've been doing in the ME for years? Well...can't hate you but...Welcome. We ARE the competing tribes now. I can hope that we make a few changes to the constitution, one of which is get rid of the 17th amendment which made elections to the senate as much a circus freak sideshow controlled by we the people as the House races are. The senate was supposed to and did for many a year, represent the STATE gov'ts and their point of view in this great experiment. With the 17th amendment...that check and balance on power was taken. We let ourselves over the course of decades, a century or more, be encumbered by laws with only one purpose...shackles on us, to revoke our freedoms.  Frankly at this point, we ARE a 3rd world banana "republic" now. You don't believe me?  Wait...the pogroms haven't really started in earnest yet. they will though. they will. Just as soon as that mentally addled idiot they just saddled us with as "President" Takes the oath.  Trump as some others have stated needs to step down, take his family and go to an undisclosed location..Because they are going to destroy an object lesson to the rest of us. Prep as best you can, in the ohhhh 2weeks, ...1 month at most, that we've got left. things are about to get as rough as a cob.

-Welcome to the Thunderdome

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